Local NAMI Montana Affiliates
Together We Make It Possible
NAMI’s affiliates hold a variety of support groups in their communities. The Connections support groups are facilitated by individuals who live with severe mental illness for people who live with severe mental illness. There are also family support groups facilitated by family members of people who live with mental illness for family members of people who live with severe mental illness. Contact your local affiliates to find out more about their support groups and other resources.
Start A New Local Affiliate
NAMI Billings
Call: 406-256-2001
Email: info@namibillings.org
Website: https://www.namibillings.org/
NAMI Great Falls
Call: 406-799-5934
Email: namigreatfalls@gmail.com
Website: https://namigreatfalls.org/
NAMI Havre
Call: 406-265-2258
Email: No Email
Website: No Website
Family-to-Family Education Class: TBA
Connection Support Group: A free ongoing support group on Mondays starting, on August 1, from 12-1:00. This group will be offered to people who have a mental illness and is in need of support from others with a mental illness. For more information, please get in touch with NAMI Havre’s Crystal Laufer at 406-265-2258.
Family and Friends Seminar: Offered once a month on the online zoom platform. Scheduled December 12, 2024 6:30-8:30pm. Please call Colleen at the NAMI Montana office for more information and to get registered at 443-7871
NAMI Flathead
Call: 406-854-2323 or 406-250-3795
Email: namiflathead@gmail.com
Website: https://namiflathead.org/
NAMI General Meeting meets 1st Monday of every month at 5:00 PM. Gateway Mall -Literacy Room. Please contact Julie Doyle at (406) 854-2323.
Family Support Group meets on the first Monday of every month at 6:00 in room 56 at the Literacy Room at Gateway Community Center (room may change) The doors will be locked, if no one is standing to let you in, please text either Support Group Facilitators, Ken Walker at (503) 334-5649 or Sabrina Pulse at (406) 212-307.
Family Support Group- Zoom– meets on the third Monday of every month. To get on the mailing list for current invite link. please text or call Dawn Jackson at (406) 260-6433 or Ken Walker at (503) 334-5649.
Family Support Group in Eureka- 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 5:30-7:00pm at 99 Mills Spring Rd, Suite 8 (Behind Western Builders). Please call Cindy Medina at 253-307-6525 or Tricia Beres at 406-320-0925 for more information.
Family Support Group in Columbia Falls– meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm at St. Richards Church. Please call or text facilitators Colleen Konopatzke at (406) 250-3795 or Tanya Edstrom-Fishel at (406) 897-0124.
Connection Peer Support Group – Meets on Wednesdays from 4-5:30PM at the Bethlehem Lutheran; 603 S. Main St. Kalispell. For more information, Please call 406-201-9456
Family-to-Family Education Class- This is a free 8 session course for families, partners, and friends of individuals living with mental illness. Class will start Wednesday Sept. 6, 2023 through Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023. It will be from 6:00-8:00PM at the Gateway Community Center, Kalispell, MT
Registration is required: Please contact Sabrina Pulse at 406-212-3077, Dawn Jackson at 406-260-6433, Ken Walker at 503-334-5649 or Julie Doyle at 406-854-2323 to register and to get more information.
Please visit www.namiflathead.org for more information or email us at namiflathead@gmail.com or call Dawn Jackson at (406) 260-6433 or Ken Walker at (503) 334-5649.
NEW: Family & Friends Seminar: Offered once a month on a zoom platform. Scheduled December 12, 2024 6:30-8:30pm. Please call the NAMI Montana office for more information at 443-7871 or call Colleen Konopatzke @ 406-250-3795 or Dawn Jackson @ 406-260-6433 to get more information about hosting a local seminar.
NAMI Missoula
Call: 406-880-1013
Email: namimissoula@gmail.com
Website: https://namimissoula.org/
NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: 3rd Thursdays of each month, 6:30 – 8 pm; meets in person in Room 208, St. Paul Lutheran Church, 202 Brooks St. This group is for relatives, friends, and caregivers of individuals living with mental illness. No registration is required; drop-ins are welcomed.
NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP IN STEVENSVILLE: Will meet on the 2nd Thursdays of the month from 6:30-8:00pm beginning April 11, 2024. It will be held at 203 Main St. Stevensville, MT (across from the North Valley Public Library)
No registration is required; drop-ins are welcomed.
NAMI CONNECTION: Wednesday afternoons 1-2:30 at 202 Brooks Street (Room 208) No registration is required. A zoom option is available: Please see link
NAMI Family-to-Family- Starts Tuesday September 24- November 19, 2024. Please contact Mary McCourt at 406-721-2534 or email namimissoula@gmail.com for more information and to register.
NAMI Peer to Peer- Starts September 5th - October 24th from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Please call Chatelle at 406-210-8239 or Sylvia at 406-360-8949 for more information and to register for the class.
Family and Friends Seminar: Offered once a month on an online zoom platform. Scheduled December 12, 2024 6:30-8:30pm. Please call Colleen at the NAMI Montana office for more information and how to register for the seminar at 406-443-7871
For more information: email namimissoula@gmail.com, or cal 1-406-880-1013. You can also check ou website (www.namimissoula.org) and our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/NAMIMissoula).
NAMI Montana in SouthWest Montana
Call: 406-855-4578
Email: csonnemann@pnwu.edu
Website: www.namimt.org